Friday, November 9, 2007

A Reflection On Ewetube

Men, the cognizance of the feminazi hate movement continues to become ever stronger in its momentum. Just the slightest little foray into the Ewetube fora is yielding more and more male figures denouncing this insideous ideology by the day. The everyday common man in his mundane, prosaic duties is finding time to take an impromptu jaunt over to the vid panels and take a squint at the ongoing injustice that has wrought havoc on our culture.

Here is one such common random manpost:

This thread proves every point he made:
It's OK to portray men as idiots. To kick, punch, and emasculate them. To treat them with contempt and ridicule. But even DARE to disagree with a woman, or worse, prove with reason and logic that she is full of crap and the Feminasties come out screeching with gnashing of teeth. Remember the president of Harvard?
Well, the worm is turning ladies and you might just have to grow up and get used to the other side of the coin of 'equality'.

And another:

A man who challenges your political views on gender is not a misogynist just because he disagrees with your political or social views.
When women do this to men (I would say probably over 90%) see them as spoiled little children not grown-ups.
"I guess he hates women because he disagrees with me". "I bet he never gets laid". Etc, ad nauseum.
Cry me a frickin' river...

These such messages are infiltrating the Ewetube vid threads by the hundreds!

On any given vid that has even the slightest anti-male slant the men are poised for counteraction.

There is no stopping men at this time. Our recognition is too great. Our blogs are only a fraction of the war that is taking place. YEEEEESSSSSSS!!

The latest solid toxic waste matter of a being on the scene is rasavonwerder with her "Y chromosome diminishing, All female planet coming" diarrhea. "It", of course, is losing its ass badly.

You're fucked, femmies. Ha! You continue to battle but you will fall! Your shrewish tantrums are finally being met full force.

I must keep positing: It's just a matter of time!