Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Femmies Are Afraaaaid!

Don't you guys just love trying to find out the reviews & ratings of a particular book on men's issues only to find out that it isn't available anymore?? And that the ratings are no longer logged? Or there's only one copy left that sells for an astronomical sum? Because the online book purveyors have been shamed into discontinuing them?

Gee....kind of tells you about the "empowered" femmies, doesn't it?

The fact that they're shitting their huge pink panties over having us know the truth about their shitty selves. The fact that they'll be dissected like the stinky fish that they are. The fact that their carefully constructed little house of cards will come tumbling down by the cyclonic noreaster from us big bad MRA wolves.

Yes, boys. They are going to LOSE this battle. The more they try to cover up, the more they blunderously end up revealing!

...It's just a matter of time....


Savoring the finer flavor of victory will almost be too overwhelming when it ultimately happens, won't it?

*smack smack*

Remember....feel NO shame.......

They will be wiping their asses with that pretty lace curtain....