Firstly, let me preface this post by ascribing the beginning of a new year, that we in the Men's Movement achieve a greater triumphant position in our goals. We must continue to fight the good fight by whatever means are available(or that which we
make available) to us. The imminence of victory for us is commensurate with the amount of fervor we use.
I would like to address a member by the name of Stephen, who has posted a resounding bit of advice on his recent page, as his views clearly resemble that of my own: which I will display in its entirety at this point, as follows:
Men Should Stop Using DisclaimersFemale: So how do you feel about feminism?
Male: I think it sucks.
Female: Why is that?
Male: Feminists are unfair to men.
Female: Would you care to elaborate?
Male: Sure. But first I want to say that not all women are like this. There are good feminists and bad feminists. I'm just angry with the more radical fems.
Men, will you knock off this kind of wimpy behavior? Just say what you feel about feminists. Forget about protecting women's feelings or trying to seem fair and rational. They sure aren't fair and rational. Come to think of it, female behavior towards men has become quite brutal and barbaric. Gentlemanly conduct on our part is why feminists won in the first place. I understand that such chivalrous behavior is programmed into us from birth. But now it's time to throw off such antiquated responses and techniques. Men, WE ARE AT WAR and shooting water pistols! When was the last time you heard a feminist preface her statement with, "But first I want to say that not all men are dogs"? They go straight for the jugular and don't give up until they browbeat you into submission. It's time to use their tactics against them.
It's time to start fighting back tooth and nail. They started this war and have been winning for decades. Have you ever noticed that everything feminists accuse men of being is exactly what they are? They call us oppressive. But we know better. They call us bigots. But we know better. They call us the patriarchy. But we know better. They call us abusive and rapists. Is the light bulb above your head getting brighter? It's time to confront all feminists and turn the tables on them. It's time they were held accountable for all the damage they inflicted on society. Remember that their arsenal is stocked with feminine wiles, half-truths, outright lies and government and media backing among other strengths. But be sure you stand your ground. And if you have a problem becoming a bit more brutal, just look at the horrifying damage the matriarchy has unleashed on the western world in general and America in particular.
A number of traditional women need to be straightened out to. They were content to let a few rad-fems bulldoze over society because they secretly loved the advantages no matter how unjust they were. It's like Muslims crying wolf about Islam being a peaceful religion. Yet you don't see any "moderate" Muslims protesting terrorist acts. Men have to be more direct with all women. Wise men (and no I don't mean wise women too) know that terrorists and bullies are ultimately cowards and that the only thing they respect is the big fist. Just ask Winston Churchill or Ronald Reagan. Feminists have had a free ride at the expense of men for too long. They said they wanted equality;well they're going to have put their money where their fat mouth is. They said they wanted a level playing field;well they're going to have to prove that they are civilized and back up their statements with fact. Men, it's time to be assertive and to stop falling for the tricks women and feminists play. Men must refuse to be charmed, cajoled, railroaded, hoodwinked,guilt-tripped or beaten down anymore. Actually this war can be won easily and quickly. JUST LOOK AT THE "DISCO SUCKS" MOVEMENT. IT ONLY TOOK TWO YEARS TO SUCCEED AND REVERSE THE TREND.
1. Support your nearest MRA movement. Especially support father's rights.
2. Be bold and let your voice be heard. In a crowded restaurant strike up a conversation about feminism and rip it to shreds. Women will automatically think it's business as usual and employ their well-worn devices so have no mercy. Steer it into a heated conversation and make sure you're loaded with the facts so that you can shoot down all their feminist "facts." Pulverize the opposition.
3. Buy or print your own anti-feminist t-shirts. Use slogans such as: Feminists are liars, feminists hate men, feminists destroyed America, feminists destroyed the family or feminists need therapy. Keep it short, brutal and to the point. Feminists were not programmed to accept criticism and you will be surprised that they are not nearly as tough as they seem because women are basically over-emotional.
4. Write Rush Limbaugh and presidential candidates such as Mitt Romney and Ron Paul. You can do it online. Ask them to join you in the fight for men's rights.
5. Organize small groups of men and plan anti-feminist strategies. Remember that these are the tactics that feminists used to get to where they are today.
I've pretty much exhausted my reserve of ideas. But men, be creative. Think of the millions of men who are suffering because of laws that feminists have enacted. Approach this war with renewed energy and fight till the last man drops. Feminists are out to destroy men and if we just kick back then we are guaranteed to lose the war. So get out there and FIGHT!
The only caveat I would like to express is that we men
ARE GOING TO WIN THIS WAR! It's just the speed at which fruition becomes evident.
..and yet again, remember...
feel NO shame..
I would like to thank Stephen for his contribution to our arsenal of infinite wisdom. It's a winner!